Monday, September 6, 2010

Arena FTW:)

So me and Shynéz did 2v2 today again, we remade team since we ended up with a score of 17-0 earlier (lost few in start since we hadn't got used to the combo) And we ended up with a flawless score
Joined some LK 10 HC run aswell, but I was like sleeping of boredom so i slacked DPS and had to leave, which I actually wished already from the beginning, just came to help Chelsi out mainly.
So now it's Monday and im hopefully gonna do 3v3 at my paladin. (Warr-lock-pala) and we'll hopefully hit 2k, so we'll finally get over with it, ain't finding it that fun since our win % aint that high, but it'll be great when we'll finally hit 2k and Chelsi gets his shoulders, then we're gonna try aim 2.2k abit for his achievement, since he's a Achievement whore! ;>

And we was gonna do 3v3 mainly yesterday (With my hunter, as hunter-retribution paladin-resto shaman) but Nathrax of all sudden decided to migrate, which did really piss me off that he couldnt even wait one hour with migrating and help Shynéz to get 2K personal rating for his shoulders aswell, I mean... Who can't wait migrating just one hour -.- to aid someone who did help you hit 2.2K for the tier 2 weapon...That's just selfish and stupid, so I ragekicked him from guild, and didn't wanted to hear anything from him again. After that nothing more happend that sunday.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Arena arena arena!

So today I started the day all bored, did some BGs with my hunter. Then Shynéz logged online and we decided to start a 2s team. (Retri - MM hunter) It started shitty, but then we got the drill of it and it began to go better, ended up with the score 19-8. Our MMR was low in start tho, since i've like never played 2v2 at my hunter, so we climbed up from 1800 to around 2150 MMR, since we beaten the rank 7 team in our BG which is a druid - DK, we decided to give it a shot to faceroll the druid right in the start , so he HOJ'd the druid, and he died within 6seconds : ) then when we saw their MMR we sat and laughed for about 1min, was so funny, we did like a winstreak of 13, then Shynéz began to lagg, and we lost against a guildie, then we quited it for today.

Abit later on I did some 2v2 with Chelsi, and we met that druid DK again, and we managed to beat em twice, and they didnt even beat us once. So I ended up that evening 3-0 against that team, we farmed em down 150 MMR or something. But we got farmed two times aswell from this destro warlock druid team at 2.6k, we would've beaten em if he was affliction but destro... they can't die against casters, so annoying. So it was like we could just stand at spawnpoint and do /dance, since we don't stand a chance anyway. Our score this week is 20-3, so it's alright anyway.

Later on the night around 23:00 Ðreaden logged on, and we did some 3v3, helping Chelsi to 2k, stopped at 1538 rating, probably gonna go 2k at Monday, so in one and a half week, Chelsi gets wful shoulders, then he's 4/5 wful, and will look awesome^^

Sunday tomorrow then, which means Nathrax comes home again, and we'll run some 3v3 and hit 2k personal rating for Shynéz so he'll get wful shoulders aswell, and then he'll look awesome aswell!
Then I just want 2.3k, since i'm gonna get Zods HC whenever it drops from ICC25! and then it's just DBW togo.

I've tamed a new pet aswell! His name is Dan and he's a spider, he's Gladiator aswell! :D

Quite cool fire mage PvP Movie:
Hirnfrost V : Firestarter

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dragonslaying & more!

Today it's friday, which means ICC25, we managed to down deathwhisper HC, but sadly my bow Zod's Repeating Longbow didn't dropped, but meh, im alone hunter, so i'll get it whenever it drops, happy for that : )
I started the evening with joining a ICC10 group with a friend of mine called Nervé, but I dropped 'cause of drama heroes, annoys me totally, and after I dropped the group disbanded, Didn't made Nervé that happy^^, but meh, I didn't felt about continuing with that group, we didnt even kill one boss so didn't got saved! So tightly after that I logged on my paladin and did some 2v2 with Chelsi again, managed to win 100% this time :) But just played like 6 games, and we met this insane warlock called Velv, 20minute game versus him. (He's playing in that 2600 LSD I told about few days ago) He played warlock shaman, which isn't that easy to beat as pala lock since they've got purge, so i can just forget sacred shield & beacon of light, so gotta really focus at healing, but didn't got into much trouble, chelsi went low once, and they made me bubble once.
After these few arena games we stopped at around 2296 rating or something, will probably run 2400 this week, and in this shitty battlegroup that means top10 almost, haha.
Then it was time for ICC25, so I joined the group, Chelsi was about to join today too, but his computer lagged out so he couldnt join us sadly! Maybe next time, looking forward for that tho since he's a great player!

Got few items for once in ICC, got a staff called Distant Land (HEROIC), and an polearm from lich king called Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General, so I got a new PvP weapon now. (the staff) And I'll use the polearm for PvE since it've got rather nice ARP!
Also bought this tank trinket with absorb thing & 228 stamina from emblems after the ICC25 run. Corroded Skeleton Key is its name,  quite nice sometimes in arena when you're getting focused and lots of wizard cleaves are playing.

After all this me, Shynéz & Nathrax played some 3s, and as usual like no teams was playing, was few teams playing in beginning, but they stopped queueing as we kept doing it. there was this TSG at 2.4k mmr, which we kept meeting in Dalaran arena, which is the only arena hunter totally stinks in, so we didn't stood a chance, well we met them once in Nagrand arena, and ofcourse we won then. Wish we met them there more tho, would be nice rating for us, and then Nathrax had to leave after a few games for bed. Me and Shynéz are at 1904 personal rating, and Shynéz needs 2K badly for the shoulders, he has been there before ofcourse but he played protection, so he tought he wouldnt need em, and didnt bought 'em. Oh well, I think Nathrax had to do something tomorrow, so he wont probably be on, so lets hope Ðreaden gets online for some 3v3 at my paladin, to help Chelsi hit 2k in 3s! We'll probably do more 2s tomorrow aswell, gonna try go as high as possible, will be fun and interesting. :)

And I'm gonna start 5v5 at my hunter aswell with few guildies, Wounded, Ninth, Nathrax and Chelsi, we'll see how that combo will work!

Saw this fun drake thing aswell! I bet you buy it from these card thingies :O

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Succeesfull evening! :)

Oh well, the evening ended succeesfull anyway, played some 2v2 with my paladin with Chelsi, ended up with about 93% win :) farmed a mirror a few times, always feels great to beat mirrors. Yeah, I hate losing to mirrors, so that wont happend! ^^ Tomorrow is it Friday, which means dragonslaying! We'll probably go 9/12 heroic in ICC25, pugged 8/12 HC last week, but we'll probably do something more : ) Will be interesting, let's hope I will get DBW this time, lost roll at it around 7 times already, yes I totally sucks at rolling, its sad.
Will probably Race change my Paladin to Human female.
We'll see how it'll be! : )

Login failed

Hi, so first of all today the login screen failed, said like unavailable to connect to server or something, so wasn't able to log on before 19:00, so around 19.30 all team was online (3v3) and we played few games, yes Nathrax has fixed his internet, so he wont get replaced ;)
Sadly the battlegroup is so shit aswell, so the queues was about 5minutes, and we got 1 point per win or so, yet we're only 2200 MMR, and about 20- per loss! which was really enjoyable :D!.. We managed to fail versus two lowrated teams, ended up with score 3-7 and went like 30- total in rating. We met some LSD at 2600 aswell, skillcomp, indeed! one fear without tremor up and I was dead! But luckily we didnt lost alot of rating versus them, so I can accept it, but the first game we lost was versus a WMP, who was at around 1900, which my Readiness bugged in (An ability that resets all hunters cooldowns). But it didn't, so I had only one Deterrence which I wasnt ready for, so I died, and we went -19! we stopped playing after 10games 'cause the queues was shit as usual at Vindication!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Daily blogging

Hi! Today I planned about doing some 3s at my hunter, but it didn't happend due to Shynéz was killing drakes in the icecrown citadel. So I've not done much today at all, been doing few battlegrounds and watched few movies at WCM, I recommend Healíngproofs newest movie "Healíngproof Fire PvP 2", will put a link in the end.
Today I had issues with the auction house, had a unique bugg who I was one of the first players in EU who got! Feeling so proud of that, haha! ^^ But meh, it was about this "Haunted Memento" had a error who said something when i pressed "Cancel auction" was really strange, he replied me at around 15:00, and he wasn't able to fix it! he told me that he was gonna reply me again in 2-3 hours, so he did. And he logged on my hunter and kept trying to fix it for about an hour, and he finally managed to fix it! He tought it was some problem in the UI in start, but it wasn't since he wasn't able to put it at AH either from his PC. Anyway, 3 days ago I started to farm gold, started at 3g and 2 days later I ended up at 10k gold, i got no clue about what I did, haha! Anyhow, might play some 3v3 tomorrow, seems like we're changing healer yet again due to internet issues for Nathrax.

Uploading a SS of me and Bob!

Here's the promised link aswell to Healíngproofs newest movie "Healíngproof Fire PvP 2"

Enjoy it : )